Saturday 3 November 2012

Globalisation and environmental awareness

     Since the industrial revolution was taken place in the United Kingdom in the mid 18 century, and then spread throughout the world subsequently, industrialisation has made tremendous changes in various aspects such as agriculture, manufacturing, transportation, and technology. It has transformed our lives from an agricultural-based to an industrial-based one. Industrialisation has not only accelerated the modernisation process of human society but also has a significant effect on economic development, and has promoted the process of globalisation as a result.


    As Al-Rodhan and Stoudmann mentioned in the “Definitions of Globalization: A Comprehensive Overview and a Proposed Definition”, globalisation “involves economic integration; the transfer of policies across borders; the transmission of knowledge; cultural stability; the reproduction, relations, and discourses of power; it is a global process, a concept, a revolution, and an establishment of the global market free from socio-political control.”  

 根據Al-Rodhan與 Stoudmann在「全球化定義:綜覽與倡議」報告中所言,全球化為「包括經濟一體化;跨國政策的移轉;知識的傳輸;文化穩定性;複製(重現);關係;與權力論述;它是全球市場不受社會-政治控制的一個全球化流程、一種概念、一場革命、以及一種發展。」

   Globalisation has made the economic and cultural activities much more inter-dependent inter-nations than before. Therefore, the United Nation has pointed out that the environmental awareness such as sustainable development has also been paid attention to in the economic globalisation cross nations.  


    Moreover, economic growth is accompanied with resource consumption. According to the IEA (International Energy Agency)'s Reference Scenario, for the following 20 years, global energy demand will increase by around 40%, which means an average of 1.5% a year. As a result, the industrialised world needs to pace up to arise environmental awareness, practice the sustainable development, and undertake significant changes to the natural environment.

International Energy Agency, IEA)所提出的參考情境,接下來的20年中,全球能源需求會增加約40%,意即平均每年約1.5%的成長。因此,工業化世界需要加緊腳步喚醒環境意識、實踐永續發展、並為天然環境做出重大改變。

*Al-Rodhan and Stoudmann (2006), Definitions of Globalization: A comprehensive Overview and a Proposed Definition, GCSP Occasional Papers, Geneva: Geneva Centre for Security Policy (GCSP).

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